Worms in pigeons.



Generalized disease in pigeons around the world. Mainlyaffects to young animals.

Parasites are found in the pigeons intestine and are expelled by droppings. Eggs that hatch in the outside (humidity and heat accelerate their development) and are eaten by other pigeons in the dovecote. Pass through the trachea, esophagus, stomach to the intestine. Continue reading

The sex of young pigeons.

At present, there is no known early to determine the sex of the specimens not adults, although in certain cases, there are fans that determine sex, perhaps more geared for their insights, which because of its age.

An efficient procedure is to wait for 5 or 6 months, longer sexual dimorphism is evident, leading to the commissioning by the female.

The probiotics.

Its beneficial effect is to maintain the optimum balance of intestinal microflora, which is associated with good health of pigeons.

The characteristic of lactic acid producing bacteria, is to achieve the reduction of PH gatrointestinal creating a favorable environment for the development of beneficial bacteria and preventing the multiplication of pathogenic enterobacteria.The role of the microflora is to contribute to food digestion and improve absorption of nutrients.

Hand-rearing of young pigeons.

Sometimes we find one or more young pigeons, which by accident or lack of foresight, not hand-feed them die. Deficiencies can be rickets, bone deformity, loss of character, etc…

COMPONENTS FOR HAND – REARING:  Among the tools that will prepare: a bottle, multivitamin, whey powder (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and glucose), ultralevura lyophilized powder gray if possible mineralized and finally the staple food, breast milk or feed chickens for fattening (cylindrical).